CCNP places an emphasis on ensuring Equal Access to Essential Need Services, through initiatives that directly impact the lives of the communities served. Ensuring that communities have access to food, health, transportation, education, and housing are at the forefront of this program.

Essential Services

Food Security Program:

Since 2016, the CCNP Food Security Program has worked diligently to provide fresh and nutritious food to households experiencing food insecurity through weekly grocery distribution, and most recently, through grocery distribution at pop-up locations throughout the City of Los Angeles, Council District 1. The program includes direct linkage and navigation assistance to federal, state, and local programs including but not limited to SNAP (CalFresh), WIC, P-EBT, and other programs that can benefit the households served. The program is open to anyone experiencing food insecurity within the City or County of Los Angeles and in partnership with the Los Angeles Food Bank, the Sam Simon Foundation Feeding Families and other partners.

Grocery food distribution:

Thursday  from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. from CCNP Westlake (501 S Bixel St, Los Angeles, CA 90017)

  • Walk-up food distribution
  • Senior line available for seniors 65+
  • Fresh and shelf-stable food available

Pop-Up food distribution:

  • Tuesdays and Fridays , times vary
  • Multiple locations across the City of Los Angeles, including Council Districts 1 and 10

  • Fresh and shelf-stable food available

Diaper Distribution:

CCNP distributes diapers to families who are struggling to purchase diapers for their children. For many families, limited income often impacts the number of diapers a family is able to purchase and children may be changed less frequently. To ensure the health and well-being of the children we serve, CCNP distributes diapers monthly or as needed when resources are available. Registration is required.

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